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This sections describes decentralized storage provider options within Starling Integrity project.

IPFS Storj Tahoe-LAFS
Access Control      
Content Erasure      


  • 1st level being US vs. EU (via IP address or KYC)
  • 2nd level being by country (via IP address or KYC)


  • 1st level being that nodes have a persistent identity on the network, can be pseudonymous
  • 2nd level being we have contact information via some KYC process that we can “call a node operator” to sort issues
  • 3rd level being established orgs (like Internet Archive, etc.) are the only node operators (similar to how Lit imagines their validator network)

Access Control

  • 1st level being data everywhere, encryption key is only protection
  • 2nd level being a static shared key to gate access of actual encrypted content (e.g. private ipfs swarm key)
  • 3rd level being a dynamically provisioned, ACL-based, or revokable key to gate access of content (so leak keys have remedy)

Content Erasure

A programatic way to signal an erasure of content on the network.